
What’s the difference between Mexican escorts and ordinary prostitutes?

Recently Mexico has become one of the most popular destinations in the sex-tourism due to the widest diversity of the available girls belonging to various price categories. In big Mexican cities one can easily find cheap street prostitutes, sex professionals working in restaurants and clubs, skillful bordello employees and elite representatives of the escort service. So, if you are planning to travel to Cancun, Acapulco or any other well-known resort in search of affordable VIP-category girls, it’ll be wise of you to find out beforehand what exactly makes the Mexican escorts so different from the habitual prostitutes.

Mexican escorts

The exterior distinctions
It goes without saying that sex professionals found on istcrawler should be physically attractive, because their looks are their main working tool. But the representatives of the elite escorts have some characteristic features in common, which distinguish them among more affordable competitors:

  1. The model kind of appearance. To work in the intimate field a woman needs an appealing body and face to catch a man’s eye and to arouse his desire and lust. It’s natural that all the prostitutes are quite good-looking and sexy girls. But to be an escort girl is something different. They are required to have model-type physical parameters and only the best ones are selected.
  2. The age. Among the traditional call girls there are both young novices and mature professionals. So, one can meet a representative of whatever age group. But as far as the escort service is concerned, there are certain age limits. This is understandable, because high status, wealthy men usually prefer fresh and young cuties.
  3. Flashy outfits. The street prostitutes out there try to attract potential clients’ attention by all possible means. That’s why they wear garish clothes hardly covering their bodies to emphasize their sexuality and make their profession obvious. But unlike those damsels the senoritas from escorts don’t get picked up in the streets. Clients find them via special agencies or on sex dating sites in best escort in CDMX or suchlike categories, which means that they don’t need exuberant colors and super sexy images. On the contrary, VIP prostitutes like wearing stylish, elegant and refined clothes.
  4. Too much make-up. The same way as with their outfits the street putanas use their make-up to signal their potential clients about their eagerness to be picked up. That’s why their cosmetics are always extremely bright and provocative. Whereas the elite prostitutes use their make-up just to show off their natural beauty, creating mild, refined images without excessive eroticism.

Professional skills
It’s not only the appearance that makes Mexican escorts so different from the street professionals. Their professional skills also contribute to this distinction.

  1. Erotic excellence. Classical representatives of the ancient trade offer a limited range of intimate favors, which usually comprises a few traditional positions and some oral caresses for an extra payment. But the more expensive and popular is a girl, the more plentiful and unpredictable are her skills. For example, in escorts you can come across the girls having professional knowledge in non-standard sexual practices, such as work with fetishes, tantric sex, professional massage.
  2. Accompanying to events. The usual prostitutes are hired for sexual services exclusively, whereas escort girls can be invited as arm candy for walks, as educated Mexican sights guides, as interpreters and even as a companion during some business negotiations.
    It’s important to understand the difference and be able to distinguish between ordinary prostitutes and professional escorts. Only then will you manage to find perfect partners and have unforgettable dates with Mexican girls.

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